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Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro (Tourin 1776 - there 1856) at the beginning starts law studies; then he gave up them to dedicate at math and physic. In 1803,with his brother Felice,he presents two scientific works at the Accademy Accademia of science of Tourin: the first about the electrology and the secondui about metallic salts and ratios of combination of these. They weren't published, but, they already showed a ratio of preparation and competence not unimportant, in fact he deserved in 1804 the nomination of member corrispondent of the same Accademy and in 1809 he was nominied professor of physic in the royal College of Vercelli.

During this period he published, on the "Journal" of Lametherie, his most two famous works. In 1811 he published "Essai d'une maniere de determiner les masses relatives des molecules elementaires des corps, et les proportions selon les quelles elles entrent dans ces combinasions" where he introduced a difference between the concept of atom and ofa molecule which let him reconcile Dalton's ideas with Gay lussac's observationds.

In 1811, Avogadro published a memorial which is considered one of the classic of modern science, that is "Essai d'une manière de déterminer les masses relatives des molécules élémentaire des corps, et les proportions selon les quelles elles entrent dans ces combinaisons", where he dealed with some fondamental considerations as to chemical combination in gaseous state.

In the same year Avogadro pubblished a memoral about chemistry - Idées sur l'acidité et l'alcalinité - where, on the base of electrochemistry research of Humphry Davy, - and on the idea maintained by the english scientist chemical affinity was determined by natural electric forces- he elaborated a new electric conceiving substances' alkalinity and acidity, always cosidered central qualities of the chemical reactivity of bodies and proposed again by the chemist Claude-Louis Berthollet in "Essai de statique chimique" (1803).


In 1820 Avogadro got the of math at the desk at the university of Tourin he, except for ten years , kept until 1850. His contribution in the progress of the modern physic was very remarkeable, although recognized in late: a proof is the law which is called Avogadro's law, which was passed unnoticed to the physic of those years, but it was give more importance by Canizzaro, half century after.

Avogadro was the first to affirm the divisibility of the molecule in atoms.
