In a Cartesian orthogonal plane Oxy, three non-aligned points, A(xA;yA), B(xB;yB) and C(xC;yC), biunivocally determine the triangle ABC.
In the case in which the three points are arranged as in fig. 1, the problem of calculating the area of the triangle ABC can be solved in the following way:
The area of the triangle ABC can be obtained by summing the areas of the triangles DAB and DBC, and subtracting from this sum the area of the triangle DAC
We get
The equation (1.1) produces the correct result if the points A, B, C are sorted counterclockwise. Otherwise the result is negative and we must calculate its absolute value.
The following JavaScript application calculates the solution of the problem.
You can enter the numeric data as integers, fractions, decimals or symbols like E and P or also as values of simple functions (for example Sqrt[2], Sin[1], etc.).
The application works only if your browser allows pop-ups.