WolframAlpha and Mathematica.

WolframAlpha is an ambitious project that, like Wikipedia, should be able to satisfy all our curiosity on any subject. However, unlike Wikipedia, it has no national language versions, due to the voluntary work of thousands of contributors and to the donations of millions of users, so the queries must be typewritten in English.

The most interesting feature of WolframAlpha is to make available to anyone who has a fast connection to the Internet some powerful resources of Wolfram Mathematica without having to install this application on its system and then without having to buy and upgrade to its frequent new releases. It may therefore be very useful in school exercises or mathematical researches of personal interest. Unfortunately, sometimes annoying banner ads overlap the page. To avoid that you should subscribe to the Pro version. If you do not want to pay this fee, close patiently the banners.

The URL of the page is


The page, in addition to the header, shows an input field with the caption Enter what you wanto to calculate or know about. In this field you can write some keywords of your query or set the calculation to be performed.

At the right of this field there is a button with the sign of equality =. By clicking this button, or just by pressing the Enter key you will send the request.


The result of processing is shown in an output field, which, besides the main outcome, also shows a rich amount of information related to the same.



WolframAlpha tries to interpret any input in natural language is proposed, identifying the keywords and reformulating the request so as to obtain a reasonable question to one of its databases or on its software. For example:



You can experience the performances of WolframAlpha also by clicking one of the icons in the background, each of which corresponds to a demo request.

Since the calculations must be set from the keyboard, and thus the use of standard mathematical symbolism is not available, if you want to use WolframAlpha for mathematical calculations, you may find it helpful to use the native language and syntax of Mathematica, codified in 1988, when the communication with the CPU came only with ASCII code, and remained essentially unchanged since then.