Hyperbolic segment area

(notes by R. Bigoni)

1. Definition

Given in a plane Π the hyperbola γ and the straight line r which intersects a branch of γ in two points A and B, the figure S delimited by the arc AB and by the chord with the same endpoints is called hyperbolic segment.

figura 1

In particular, if r is perpendicular to the axis of γ, S is said to be right.

figura 2

In order to calculate the area Σ of the right hyperbolic segment formed in the cartesian reference frame Oxy by the hyperbola γ with canonical equation


and by the straight line r with equation


we can act in the following way.


Given in the cartesian reference frame Oxy the hyperbola with equation Eqn011.gif, the area of the right hyperbolic segment delimited by the straight line with equation x=5 is
